Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Rich Rodriguez Loses Debate Before It Starts

"Well since you have your panties in a wad I will destroy you and prove your religion wrong in one sentence!“I have FAITH that Christianity is completely and unequivocally false!!”--- I have just completely destroyed your religion and I am sorry but understand it was bound to happen. What will you do now that I have completely dismantled any argument you could possibly use in defense of your religion? I have won the debate!!!! YOu lose!" -Rich Rodriguez
The Debate

Rich Rodriguez’s Myspace

Rich is a coward and a member of the Rational Responder Squad which is of course redundant. The RRS tactic of debate is simple, run away, hide, make stupid videos, and pose next to goofy looking badges. I wonder if Rich has his girlfriend paying his bills like Brian Sapient does? Well, word around the campfire is that Rich Rodriguez likes to "lie down with mankind as with womankind".

Frank Walton of atheismsucks has graciously agreed to host the debate, and to make sure it stayed fair, he turned off comments, a wise move. But here at The Real Scoop, we DO want to discuss the debate as it unfolds.